Saturday 8 September 2012

week 7 - Army of TWO: The 40th day

Army of TWO: The 40th day

  • Pretty average, "been there done that" story of terrorists taking over the city
  • Hidden radio logs give more detailed story, but don't play while playing, so you have to sit there and listen to them
  • Excellent story/moral choices each having different consequences, encourages re-playability more interesting than the overall story, very interesting notion of mercenaries and their morality
  • New city setting of Singapore (different to a lot of games that are set in New York or other American cities) 
  • Has a nice goofy edge to some parts


  • Excellent co-op play, "Aggro" system (Whoever is making the most noise is the one that the enemy focuses on) works well and gives great feedback
  • Encourages smart tactical play such as flanking, splitting up, using shields etc

  • Taking or losing Aggro works well.
  • Simple e-motes (positive, negative and rock-paper-scissors) work well to convey the player's expression and feeling on screen
  • Excellent revive system, very innovative

  • A.I. can't achieve the synergy and fun of two friends


  • Singapore as a city is refreshing and is done well
  • Great sense of scale as playing on crumbling skyscrapers
  • Bosses look terrifying as well provide justification for having to attack them in certain areas (great amour design)
  • Good variety of masks for both characters to wear, to customize and personalize.
  • Some areas really stand out (Zoo) while many others look to similar (many of the city streets)
  • Goofy alternate attachments that do the same/almost as good as the real thing like soda can silencers and screwdriver bayonets


  • Lacking the graphical finesse of most of today modern shooters

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