Monday 24 September 2012

Week 12 - Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2 (XBOX 360 - Non Edited Version)


  • Follow 4 survivors (Ellis, Coach, Nick, Rochelle)
  • Trying to escape the zombie apocalypse
  • Not much story or character development apart from interesting little back story chatter which is too infrequent to gain a real knowledge or attachment to the characters
  • Mainly just stringing a bunch of scenarios together

  • Fast paced shooting
  • Variety of tools
  • Now with close combat weapons such as baseball bats, swords and chainsaws although the difference between them (apart from the chainsaw) is mostly aesthetic they are a very effective addition.

  • Not classical slow moving zombies, very fast standard with special infected that have different abilities
  • Heavily relied upon teamwork which can be very frustrating and sometimes makes the hard parts impossible in single player
  • A good team will lead to success
  • Great multi-player with taking on both sides (survivors and infected)
  • A.I. partners in single player can range from being very good (always accurately killing the enemy, healing you, and giving you other items) to very bad (Not using the grenades or not reviving you or startling a witch which is an incredibly powerful enemy)
  • A.I. Director that can change the location of items and enemies so that each play through is different  is a welcome addition.


  • Nice cinema poster for each scenario

  • Excellent gore that give weapons that weighty feel and gives you a feeling of accomplishment after seeing all the dead bodies in your wake (Not in the censored version which greatly diminishes the tone of the game)
  • Great character design, although we don't know much about them they are still likeable, interesting and have great voice actors
  • Crazy nature of scenarios gives great locales to be fighting in. 


  • Valves old source engine is starting to show age as the graphics are not up to toady's modern standard 
  • Frame-rate can drop and the game can slow down in the really intense action, which isn't that uncommon in this frantic game

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