Monday 24 September 2012


Minecraft (XBOX 360)


  • No story the player is told to simply survive
  • There is no other goal

  • Mine and gather Materials
  • Combine some materials to make tools and other materials
  • Place the blocks
  • Setting up a simple house to survive
  • Be safe for the night as this is when monsters will come and attack also if there is no light
  • Never any actual game goals, mainly driven by the player's personal drive to try and create thing.
  • Can get very repetitive and boring unless the player sets themselves a goal
  • Fun to play with friends
  • Some players can become "Griefers" (Deliberately cause trouble) and with the auto save system and no way to go back after it has been saved destroying the hard work that has been achieved.
  • Many players have exploited the game to have infinite blocks of whatever they choose as well as playing this on the peaceful that has regenerating health and no monsters. These players simply want to use the games as a system to build with their own goal similar to a digital version of Lego blocks.


  • Very old fashioned, retro graphical style
  • Very unique style
  • Nice relaxing repetitive music


  • Very dated graphics
  • Very frustrating to wait for the game to load areas of the world. Letting the player see an empty infinite void and if they move over to it the game will react violently by shuddering, jumping up and down until the area has finally loaded.

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